Recent updates

  • Columbia Strike

    By Reform Caucus at USC GSWOC
    Questions: The Columbia contract made concessions on non-discrimination to get higher wages? [Read More]
  • Email update: Wage and decision making

    By Reform Caucus at USC GSWOC
    Hi, Thank you for signing up for our update. This unofficial email update was created by rank and file organizers to share information and help people to participate in the bargaining process. [Read More]
  • Strike duty and Strike pay

    By Reform Caucus at USC GSWOC
    For the strike duties required to get strike pay, Our staff mentioned UAW standard is 20 hours for higher education. But the bargaining team can decide how many hours are needed. [Read More]
  • Bargaining Update: It is time for a change

    By Rao
    At Sep 25th, before the massive membership meeting, this email was sent to the international student committee and steering committee channel (moved to forum channel by bargaining team). After strike authorization vote on Oct 27th, I tried sending it to GSWOC general, which is internal for union organizers. But the... [Read More]