Using our platform for campaign and Support for UCI students

GSWOC International Student Committee email back up

Dec 5, 2023

Hi everyone,

Bargaining team took over the international student committee email list (background). But we still have everyone’s email address, so we are still in touch. A few updates:

Usage of our email list:

Weeks ago, student admins of the email list and a few students discussed using the email list to share campaigns related to international students. One example would be:

  • During covid, there were campaigns in USC which shipped face masks across countries. I was living in Wuhan at that time. In the early days, people in USC sent face masks to Wuhan. And later covid broke out in the US, people shipped face masks from Wuhan to USC.

If any international student wants to campaign for anything related to them, we are happy to help and spread the information using our platform. We believe that union could be a platform for union members to campaign for any issues that affect them, their family and the broader community. (see social justice unionism)

Support for Pro-Palestinian Students in UCI:

An international student at UCI reached out to us, asking for support of UCI Pro-Palestinian students facing retaliation from their school for direct action. You can read and sign-on as an individual to the statement. We are planning to sign-on as an organization of “international student caucus”, please reply to this email if you have any questions or concerns. Statement and Sign-on

Contract ratification:

Bargaining team reached a tentative agreement with USC. The vote is happening now. There are many discussion on GSWOC slack #forum channel. You can ask any questions there.

Best, R

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