Email update: Wage and decision making

By Reform Caucus at USC GSWOC

Hi, Thank you for signing up for our update. This unofficial email update was created by rank and file organizers to share information and help people to participate in the bargaining process.

Wage proposal:

Here is the latest wage proposal from our union and from USC: Wage drop

For more detail on the progression of the bargaining in the past two days, please check out the eight proposals from both parties at the tracker (wage is at last line).

A group of GSWs wrote an open letter to the bargaining team regarding concerns of concessions on wages. Here is the link. In addition, the best way to express your concern is to go to the bargaining session and talk with our bargaining team members. There will be more bargaining session at 9:00 am on Wednesday, Nov 22nd, at USC hotel​​ Champion Room.

Give input and join the decision making process

  • Bargaining team(BT): You can reach out to any of them, fill out the feedback form, or attend the bargaining.
  • Departmental congress: Representatives will represent their departments to communicate with the BT and address concerns. The meetings and decisions are open to all GSWs, but only representatives chosen at department organizing committees (OC) may speak. The meeting may be daily once the strike starts. Join meetings also count as strike hours! It is intended to give feedback to bargaining and also access our power. If you want to participate, you can reach out to organizers in your department, and join your department OC meeting. If you are already an organizer, you can check out these documents. (Departmental Congress Proposal , Meeting note on 11/17)

Strike tips:

Ready to strike?

To get strike assistance, you need to sign up with your SSN/ITIN, bank info, address. Date: 11/29 at UPC, 11/30 at HSC. Location: to be announced.

Social justice:

If you think our update is helpful, you can share the link with others. Here is the sign up form for our update. If you want to discuss more and contribute to future emails, you can join our chat groups on Whatsapp and Signal.

In solidarity!

Organizers in GSWOC

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