Bargaining Update and Workplace Justice Rally

GSWOC International Student Committee email back up

Aug 30, 2023

Hi everyone,

As a bargaining update, USC has rejected most things for international students in our immigration proposal. For example, Assistance Funding for legal expenses related to immigration; USC shall cover our loss if they fail to process work authorization paperwork; Housing guarantee for incoming international students, and so on. Please look into our tracker for details1.

And we are going to have a Rally tomorrow to support those demands! The Workplace Justice Rally will be tomorrow 1PM at EF Hutton Park to show our support for international students, protections for discrimination, harassment, bullying, and abusive conduct, and also union security. Each department will gather in its own place. If you haven’t got a chance to sign the letter to USC, here it is:

Please join the rally if you are available!

See you tomorrow,

Best, R

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