Open letter to International students

Our union, GSWOC-UAW needs your support!

By GSWOC 的留学生们

As international graduate student workers paid by stipends, we are all experiencing increased financial pressure from inflation and the high cost of living in Los Angeles. Meanwhile, international graduate students frequently face verbal abuse from advisers, unbearable workloads, and huge uncertainty with visas. By forming a union, we, as international student workers, have more power to negotiate with the USC administration for improvements and protections.


We also recognize that international students, depending on their different national origins and cultural backgrounds, are forced to contend with unique issues of racism, financial precarity especially in times of crisis, and feeling like outsiders in their day to day lives in the US. We aim to build a union that reflects all of our experiences and is representative of the diversity of international graduate students. Thus, we kindly invite you to join this process. We want your voice to be heard by the USC admin and your concerns to be addressed. Collectively, we will make USC a better place for everyone. If you would like to become more involved in building our union, please fill out this short google form.

我们明白,来自不同的地区和文化背景的留学生不得不面对自己独有的问题,比如种族歧视,经济困难,在美国的日常生活中,仿佛是一个局外人。我们希望建立一个能够理解所有人困难和处境的工会,能够代表留学生们不同的需求。 因此,我们真诚的邀请你参与进来。留学生群体人数颇多但声量不大,我们希望你的需求被USC校方听到,希望你的困难和留学历程得到实质性的改善。我们希望与你一同将 USC 变得更好。如果你想更多的参与工会的组建,欢迎填写这个 Google form 。

Once we have a union, we will elect a bargaining team, democratically determine bargaining demands, negotiate with USC for a new contract, and eventually the contract will be voted on by all GSWs in USC. After a contract is ratified by voting, we may pay dues, which are 1.44%. In union contracts at other academic institutions, wage and benefit increases are significantly more than the amount of dues.



Whether you are an international or domestic student worker, your right to participate in a union is legally protected by the government and it won’t affect your visa. We really appreciate your support and understanding. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to respond to this email or visit our webpage for international students for more information and how to get involved.


In solidarity,

For mandarin Chinese student, you can follow us on Wechat

微信公众号: USC GSWOC 的留学生们

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