Email to circulate international student survey

GSWOC International Student Committee email back up

May 31, 2022

Hi everyone,

We talked a couple weeks ago about sending out the international student survey via email to everyone who has already signed a card. The Communications committee also likes that idea, and would like to get something out this week.

I went ahead and drafted an email here -

What does everyone think? And would a few folks be willing to add their names and departments to the bottom of the email as signatories?

Cheers, Rob

Jun 1, 2022

Hi all, thanks to everyone who gave feedback and added their name as signatories. It would be nice to have a couple more names added to the bottom before this goes out, would a couple other folks be down to join as signatories?

If so, please feel free to just directly add name and department to the bottom, or you can shoot me an email. Tentative plan is for this to go out tomorrow morning.

Cheers, Rob

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