GSWOC International Student Committee email back up
May 9, 2022
Hi all,
It’s been a while since our last meeting. Now that the final will be over soon, I think it’s time for us to plan for another meeting. The agendas for now are:
- 1, Update on our out-reach projects. Chinese students, Indian students, etc.
- 2, Plan for the summer.
- 3, Discuss about the international student panel. (Rob)
- Rob says GSWOC can pay for translation of the FAQ into other languages, we can discuss how to best use this resources.
Since the semester has ended, we might want to change our meeting time. Here is a when2meet for next week
May 15, 2022
Hi all,
According to the survey, we will meet at 4pm on Tuesday, May 17th. The agendas are: 1, Update on our out-reach projects. Chinese students, Indian students, etc. 2, Plan for the summer. 3, Discuss about the international student panel. (Rob)
- Rob says GSWOC can pay for translation of the FAQ into other languages, we can discuss how to best use this resources.
Welcome to join our meeting if you are interested. Here is the Zoom link:
May 18, 2022
Hi all,
Thanks for coming to the meeting yesterday. Here is a quick summary
1, Chinese students are going to keep working on the article. After our first series of four articles, we will need more informational content which will come from the translation of FAQ. Here is a link of WSU, they did a good job of making a Chinese translating their website:
2, We should reach-out to more international graduate student associations. Riya will try to reach out to the Indian Student Association by asking friends and shooting cold emails. Kiana will reach out to Iranian international students through her contact. I think I will try to send some cold email to Taiwanese student association. We should also keep up with the general outreach like walkthrough, cold email, and phone banking.
3, The panel is still at the early stage, we should come up with ideas for an international GSW panel. One idea is the influence of different backgrounds to the GSW/PI relationships. We should base our panel on the result of the international GSW survey. However, there hasn’t been much response to that survey yet. Wechat will help us to get more responses when we have the article ready. In the meantime, organizers can bring the survey with them during walkthroughs. Another idea is to use the “letters to card signers” to send an email just about the international student survey.
4, We should meet again when there is a clearer plan for the panel or more response for the survey. Whichever comes first.
See you all in June.